Forms & Filings
Here you will find information regarding forms, schedules, and filing for the Kings County Superior Court.
Statewide Fee Schedule
Local Rules
County rules of court apart from the common California Rules of Court.
California Courts Forms
For additional forms not found local to Kings County.
Mandatory Electronic Filing
Effective July 1, 2021 electronic filing is mandatory for all civil case types: Unlimited, Limited, Small Claims, Probate and Guardianships, Family Law, Family Support, Adoption and Mental Health. Exceptions will apply. Self-Represented parties are exempt from the mandatory electronic filing requirement pursuant to California Rules of Court section 2.253(b)(2).
For More Information
For questions on the electronic filing process, contact the Court at the following extensions by case type.
Case Type | Extension |
Civil Limited | (559) 582-1010 x6153 |
Civil Unlimited | (559) 582-1010 x6151 |
Probate | (559) 582-1010 x6145 |
Family Law | (559) 582-1010 x6143 |
Appellate | (559) 582-1010 x6154 |
Local Forms
- AD50
- AD51
- Adoption Packet
- Adoption Check-list for Petitioners
- Adoption Questionnaire
- Consent to Adoption by a Parent in or Outside of CA Giving Custody
- Consent to Adoption by Parent Outside CA in Armed Forces
- Consent to Adoption by Parent Retaining Custody
- Court Report of Adoption for Information Purposes Only
- Notice of Court Reporter Fee
- Notice of Ex-Parte Fee
- Personal Reference Questionnaire for a Stepparent Adoption
- Petition to Declare Minor Free Packet
- Presumed Father’s Consent to Adoption When Denying He is the Biological Father
- Refusal to Give Parental Consent to Adoption Alleged Father
- Refusal to Give Parental Consent to Adoption Birth Mother -Presumed Biological Father/Legal Parent
- Acknowledgment of Documents Received (Small Claims)
- Application for Stay of Eviction Packet
- At Issue Memorandum
- Change of Name Address
- Change of Name Packet
- Change of Name Packet (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Change of Name and Gender Packet
- Civil Harassment Restraining Order Packet
- Civil Harassment Restraining Order Packet (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Declaration in Support of Defense To Claim
- Declaration in Support of Entry of Satisfaction of Judgement (Small Claims)
- Declaration in Support of Plaintiff’s Claim
- Declaration of Default Payment
- Fee Waiver Packet
- Fee Waiver Packet (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Instructions on Completing a Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit
- Interpreter Request / Cancellation
- Notice of Court Reporter Fee
- Notice of Complex Fee
- Notice of Ex-Parte Fee
- Notice of First Appearance Fee
- Petitioner's Instructions Regarding Ex-Parte Hearing for Restraining Order
- Pleading Packet
- Proof of Service by Mail or Personal
- Proof of Service for a 30 or 60 Day Notice to Quit
- Proof of Service for a Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit
- Recognition of Change of Gender and Sex Identifier and For Issuance of New Birth Certificates Packet
- Recognition of Minor’s Change of Gender and Sex Identifier and For Issuance of New Birth Certificates and Change of Name Packet
- Remote Access Packet
- SER-001 Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers
- SER-001A Special Instructions for Writs and Levies—Attachment
- Small Claims Packet
- Small Claims Packet (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Stay of Eviction
- Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit
- Unlawful Detainer Default Timeline
- Unlawful Detainer Packet
- Workplace Violence Restraining Order Packet
Criminal Local Forms section is currently under construction.
CR101 - Felony Plea and Waiver (Rev 1/1/2025 Judicial Council Form)
- CR102 - Misdemeanor Domestic Violence (Rev 1/1/2025 Judicial Council Form)
- KCLF CRM 13 - Addendum to Felony Plea HS11369 (New 1/1/2025 Local)
- Application for Judicial Consent to Marry
- At Issue Memorandum
- At Issue Memorandum Check-list
- Change of Address
- Custody and Support Packet (Step 1 of 3)
- Custody and Support Packet (Step 2 of 3)
- Custody and Support Packet (Step 3 of 3)
- Declaration of Premarital Counseling
- Dissolution of Marriage (Step 1 of 3)
- Dissolution of Marriage Packet (Step 1 of 3) (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Dissolution of Marriage (Step 2 of 3)
- Dissolution of Marriage (Step 2 of 3) (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Dissolution of Marriage (Step 3 of 3)
- Dissolution of Marriage (Step 3 of 3) (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Domestic Violence and Child Custody, Family Law Code section 3044
- Domestic Violence Restraining Order Packet with Minor Children
- Domestic Violence Restraining Order Packet with Minor Children (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Domestic Violence Restraining Order Packet without Minor Children
- Domestic Violence Restraining Order Packet without Minor Children (Step-by-Step Instructions)
- Elder Or Dependent Adult Abuse Packet
- Emancipation Packet
- Ex Parte Request to Terminate TRO
- Judicial Consent to Marriage
- Notice of Court Reporter Fee
- Notice of Ex-Parte Fee
- Notice of First Appearance Fee
- Parental Relationship Packet (Step 1 of 3)
- Parental Relationship Packet (Step 2 of 3)
- Parental Relationship Packet (Step 3 of 3)
- Petition for Grandparent Visitation Packet
- Proof of Notice of Ex-parte Hearing for Temporary Restraining Order and Child Custody
- Remote Access Packet
- Request for Order Packet
- SER-001 Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers
- SER-001A Special Instructions for Writs and Levies—Attachment
- Stipulation to Terminate TRO
- Summary Dissolution Packet
- Violencia en el hogar y custodia de los hijos, Codigo de Familia, seccion 3044
- Family Court Services Intake Form
- Formulario de Admisión de Servicios de la Corte de Familia
- Change of Address
- Conservatorship Check-list
- Conservatorship Questionnaire
- Declaration of Diligent Search
- Establishing a Fact of Birth Packet
- Establishing a Fact of Death Packet
- Establishing a Fact of Marriage Packet
- Guardianship Fee Waiver Packet
- Guardianship Investigation Case (For a Relative Guardianship Case) Packet
- Guardianship of Person Only Packet (For A Minor)
- Guardianship Questionnaire
- Guardianship Status Report
- Guardianship Termination Questionnaire
- Notice of Court Reporter Fee
- Notice of Ex-Parte Fee
- Proof of Service for Personal Service or by Notice and Acknowledgement of Receipt
- Remote Access Packet
- Termination of Guardianship Packet
- Ward or Conservatee Fee Waiver Packet
- Request a fine reduction for your eligible infraction offense using the new MyCitations tool.